Half Marathon - Sunday 23rd - 9am start!

The half marathon  is a great option for supporters, family,  friends and those ‘testing the waters’ of what Northburn has to offer.

$75 entry includes a burger at the finish! If you enter before 1st March - late fee is $95.

Online entries are open until March 16th -. You can always enter on the day as well, please bring cash.

8am registrations open, 9am race start. 

The course is 3 loops just like the 100miler. Starts with the home loop 5km so you get to run past your supporters about half an hour after starting… Then you do the kids adventure loop! (surprisingly gnarly) Back past the start finish then out for the serious 15km of the  the wonderful ‘loop of deception’ – some good honest ups and downs, stunning canyons… you’ll love it. Then back home to glory, 21.1km done and a burger to boot.

There will be water and electrolytes at the start/finish which you pass twice.

If you are fast a 750ml bottle might just be enough to get you through the loop of deception but if it’s hot, a bladder or multiple bottles may be the order of the day.

No minimum gear.

Fee: Entry fee per participant at registration open 75.00

Entry fee per participant starting Oct 1, 2024 75.00

Entry fee per participant starting Feb 1, 2025 95.00

Refund Policy for Northburn100

50% refund for withdrawal if you withdraw from the Northburn100 event prior to 8pm 4th March (2 weeks before event); with 50% entry fee towards any future event the competitor chooses to enter. No refunds after this date but your entry is transferable to next years event.

Northburn100 Limited reserves the right to amend the policy in the case of event cancellation/postponement due to a situation beyond Northburn100 Limited’s control.

Northburn100 Half Marathon